Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Naomi Watts Hates Romance

I like Naomi Watts. You should too. She’s good people. But when you come after romantic comedies, you’re coming after my big old heart. Read what she said in this article:

“I look at those romantic comedies, and I see actors with perfect hair and six-packs, and I feel myself being numbed, and I get angry because I see so much money spent on these things,” the 38-year-old actress says in an interview in Allure magazine’s January issue, on newsstands Tuesday. “I don’t mean to sound righteous here,” she continues. “There is need for it, because there are times when I am in a hotel room and need to be numbed. … I keep saying to myself, Oh, God, I’m sick of playing these dark, harrowing roles. I want a big paycheck, so put me in some dumb romantic comedy any day.”

Um, you know who disagrees with you sister? John FUCKING Cusack. Numb and dumb? You tell that to Love Actually sister, go ahead, tell it to its face.

I thought not.

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