Today's Evil Beet Gossip

ProjRun: How Much Bullshit is it That Jeffrey Won?

Thank you to a recent anonymous commenter for giving us the title for this post.

Michael’s line was obviously a huge disappointment, although I’m sure he is crying his eyes out each night right into Brandy’s vagina.

I love Laura Bennett, and I would wear most of her clothes, but I agree with the judges that she lacks an original point of view and creative vision.

Uli’s line? Rocked. Those pieces would make any woman look stunning. She should have won, in my opinion.

Jeffrey’s line did nothing for me. I hated, hated, hated the dress that Marilinda wore. With the zippers? And the weird diamond center piece? It does nothing at all to accentuate a woman’s body. It looked like she was wearing a mangled tablecloth. There were one or two pieces in his collection I enjoyed, but mostly, ick.

What do you guys think?

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